Diving in Bali

Diving, the well known sport all over the world, enables you to discover a whole new world under the water. A sport that is all about discovering nature in its purest form.

Diving in Bali is one of the greatest diving destinations but why?

Besides its beautiful island and nature, there is another reason why Bali is a great destination to go to for diving: Bali is located within the coral triangle region. The coral triangle region is a geographical term that refers to the tropical marine waters that are located within the triangle. Even though the coral triangle region is only 1.6% of the whole planet its oceanic region, it covers 76% of the most well known coral types of the whole world.

What is the best part of Bali to go diving?

Diving in Bali is an experience you can not miss. There is a big chance that apart from the coral, you will see many types of fish. To explore the underwater world of Bali it is recommended to not go to the most touristic area such as Kuta or Seminyak. Rather it is advised by many visitors and divers, to explore the northern and western coast of Bali for diving. Discover the jewels of Bali in these areas, and you will encounter a wonderful experience

What is the best time to go diving in Bali?

Even though the weather in Bali is most of the time steady and warm, there are seasons where there is more wind and rain. The best time to dive would be between April and November as Bali then faces its dry season. There will be less wind and rain during these months. From December until March, Bali faces the rain season, wherefore the waves could be stronger and therefore diving in this period would be less recommendable.

Explore the underwater world yourself and dive in Bali!

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