Tips for you to stay away from the Covid 19 virus
Hi world travelers, our earth is infected with the Covid-19 virus. So that many economic sectors in the world have experienced a very drastic decline.
Especially in the tourism sector in Indonesia, especially in Bali. And we hope that the Earth will get better soon.
This time we will provide tips for you to stay away from the Covid 19 virus. Please read the tips below:
Some steps you can take to prevent Corona virus infection, including:
- Wash your hands properly
Washing your hands properly is the simplest yet effective way to prevent the spread of the 2019-nCoV virus. Wash your hands with running water and soap, for at least 20 seconds. Make sure all parts of the hands are washed clean, including the backs of the hands, wrists, between the fingers, and nails. After that, dry your hands using a tissue, clean towel, or hand dryer.
If you are a commuter worker on public transportation, it can be difficult to find soap and water. You can clean your hands with a hand sanitizer. Use hand sanitizer products with an alcohol content of at least 60% to more effectively eradicate germs.
Wash your hands regularly, especially before and after eating, after using the toilet, after touching animals, taking out trash, and after coughing or sneezing. Washing hands is also important before breastfeeding a baby or expressing breastmilk.
- Using a mask
Many use cloth masks to prevent Corona virus infection, even though these masks are not necessarily effective. In general, there are two types of masks that you can use to prevent transmission of the Corona virus, namely surgical masks and N95 masks.
Surgical masks or surgical masks are disposable masks that are commonly used. These masks are easy to find, affordable, and comfortable to wear, so many people use these masks when they are on a daily basis.
The correct way to use a surgical mask is that the colored side of the mask must face outwards, while the white side faces the face and covers the chin, nose and mouth. The white side is made of a material that can absorb dirt and filter germs from the air.
Although it is not completely effective at preventing exposure to germs, the use of this mask can still reduce the risk of spreading infectious diseases, including Corona virus infection. The use of masks is more recommended for people who are sick to prevent the spread of viruses and germs, rather than for healthy people.
Meanwhile, the N95 mask is a type of mask that is used as a personal protective equipment or PPE for medical personnel who treat COVID-19 patients.
When removing the mask from the face, both surgical masks and N95 masks, avoid touching the front of the mask, because that part is full of germs that stick. After removing the mask, wash your hands with soap or hand sanitizer, so that your hands are clean from germs that stick.
- Maintain endurance
A strong immune system can prevent the appearance of various diseases. To maintain and increase endurance, you are advised to eat healthy foods, such as vegetables and fruits, and protein foods, such as eggs, fish and lean meats.
If you are bored with self-cooked food, you can buy ready-to-eat food or food at a restaurant through a delivery service, but make sure the food is clean and healthy. If necessary, you should also increase your consumption of supplements as recommended by your doctor.
In addition, regular exercise, adequate sleep, not smoking, and not consuming alcoholic drinks can also increase endurance to avoid transmission of the Corona virus.
Some information states that basking in the sun can also prevent Corona virus infection. Unfortunately, this still needs to be investigated further.
- Implement physical distancing and independent isolation
Physical restriction or physical distancing is one important step to break the chain of spreading the Corona virus. This can be done by not traveling out of the house, except for urgent or emergency purposes, such as shopping for groceries or taking medication when sick.
Physical restrictions are also carried out by maintaining a minimum distance of 1 meter from other people and always wearing a mask, especially when doing activities in public places or crowds.