Quad or Buggy and Canyon Tubing

A Perfect Day away from the hustle and bustle…

We chose the early bird tour. In Bali, every minute counts here – especially if you are on a holiday. Time seems to move at a pace that is untouchable here, so the earlier the start the better to fully take in what the day has to offer. There are two other tours available if you are not an early riser though! Shared complimentary transportation was provided at 630am from Canggu and our favourite coffee shop was open by 6am, so it’s as if the universe was cheering us on to have an epic adventure. We highly recommend doing this tour on a Sunday, as there is NO traffic so you can truly sit back, pop in some tunes and enjoy the journey with your friends. One of the best things is certainly the drive, because within an hour you have completely left the hustle and bustle of the busy villages and the jungle starts to envelop you as you make your way towards the mountains.

Weather was overcast and there were snippets of rain here and there, but this is certainly one tour where weather like this isn’t an issue. The rainier the better, we were excited to get wet and hopefully muddy! We were welcomed by a gift bag filled with some snacks and beverages while we settled into registration. A safety video was played detailing everything that we needed to know. We placed our things in the lockers that were provided and stood in line getting sized for our helmets. One of our favourite parts of this tour is when we all had to drive on the test track to prove our worthiness, well more like our ability to handle the buggy and quad vehicles for the 2 hour trek that lay before us. Not going to lie, the buggy was very easy to drive…similar to a go cart but the quad was definitely intimidating so I was really grateful for the track, as it gave me time to get comfortable. In no time, I was doing laps around everyone and we were on our way.

To be honest, we had no idea what to expect. There are so many tours in Bali that have been so disappointing and with little to see. The beauty and the serenity of this tour will never carry words that can do it justice. It is truly how we dream of Bali and how we envision it to look without the concrete jungles engrossing all that is raw and organic in its state of natural beauty. We weaved in and out of the jungle with nothing but Mother Nature’s goodness surrounding us. We were in awe of the little village we drove through as we waved to the local children shooting us peace signs and doing silly dances as we passed by. There were rice fields for days, on various levels along the mountainside and nothing but jungle. Every now and then, we would see a random house sitting on top of the mountain and envy their simple piece of paradise that they were able to call their own. Don’t be shocked when you realize that the track was not just some human made path. Our 2 hour trek was not just a flat road marked by directional flags; we were literally deep in the jungle dodging low hanging trees and experiencing fits of laughter as we drove through deep drops and mud holes that left signs of your passing. There was this one hill that we had trouble getting up because of the mud but there was not one moment that we felt that our safety was at risk.

As we arrived back to the centre, we saw a group preparing to leave on the next tour. We started to envy them, especially because the rain started coming down a bit harder. We knew how much fun they were about to have with all the extra mud for the quads! We transitioned flawlessly into lunch which was immediately provided, and we felt completely attended to. They mirrored our pace – never pushing us to finish or be ready for the next tour, which during most tours in Bali you constantly feel similar to cattle being herded as you jump from one activity to the next.

Canyon tubing was our next activity so we piled into this army type truck and made our way to the river which was less than 10 minutes away. Our descent to the riverbank was laid amongst the jungle and we could hear the roaring river as we made our way to the platform. The guides let us know that we would be stopping a few times along the way, but to otherwise sit back and enjoy – which is exactly what we did. We cruised along, intertwined with jungle and weaved our way through long hanging vines and over hanging trees. Little energy was spent on moving down the river, as it was pushing us along just fine and spinning us in circles causing us to erupt in laughter the entire way. The drops were our favourite, they don’t seem like much visually but they were so much fun! We were getting completely soaked from it as we got dropped down to the next level, sometimes even bumping into one of our friends along the way.

Halfway through, we were surprised by the guides with a zip line! We unloaded off of our rafts and lined up as they put the safety harnesses on. It was the perfect surprise as it was a different way to travel along the river with the ability to see it with a bird’s eye view. The last 25 minutes of our 2 hour tour down the river, was smooth sailing. There were no more drops and we were allowed to relax. I chose to lie on my stomach most of the way, running my hands through the crystal clear water as we made our way back.

Hands down the best part? Not having to walk back up the mountain from the river ha-ha! The guides grabbed a few quads and chauffeured our wet butts straight back up! We headed back to the centre for hot showers and were greeted by some snacks, coffee and tea to wrap up our day.

Please check out our video footage from this tour and you can see for yourselves just how much fun we had! We certainly feel that we have partnered up with one of the best operators that offer these offshore adventures. They are hands down the SAFEST and MOST ACCOMODATING, which of course is our number one priority when it comes to YOU. Your expectations will be extremely exceeded if you choose this tour!

Hope you enjoyed our personal debrief and now have a better understanding of this new tour!

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