Where To Visit After Watersports Activities in Tanjung Benoa?

It is too early to go back to the hotel, yet too late to go to another area…

Watersports Activities

Tanjung Benoa is well-known of becoming the central of watersports activities. Calm waves makes the beach considered safe to do many kinds of Watersports. Choices from parasailing, banana boat, wakeboarding, jetovator, jet ski, flying fish, flyboard, and others are offering you the best adventure in Bali.

But, what to be noted is that Tanjung Benoa beach usually get lower tide after 2PM. When the tide is low, many watersports activities can not be done. So, make sure you start before lunch, so you can get the activities you want.

Then, what to do after 2PM? You can still go several possible activities, but please ask the instructors advice before doing so.

But, it is too early to go back to the hotel, what should you do? There are several places in Tanjung Benoa you can visit :

1. Mangrove Forest

In west Tanjung Benoa, you can visit the Mangrove Forest. You can drive a jet ski there. This place is also popular among couples and become their choice to be the venue of pre-wedding photos.

2. Caow Eng Bio Buddhist Temple

Many temples in Bali are Hindunese. But, this one belongs to Buddhist. This temple has unique ornaments. It is located nearby the beach and also nearby the road, so it is a perfect swing-by place.

3. Pura Dalem Ning Lan Beji Park

This place located nearby the Caow Eng Bio temple. This is a Hindu Temple, with all Balinese architectural design. These two temples are perfect destination, cause you can visit both, since they are nearby.

Now, you have choices of destination after doing watersports in Tanjung Benoa. Enjoy your holiday, make the best memories with your beloved ones and share it with the world!

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