Yes, Bali is Safe

Mount Agung

Mount Agung, Bali’s highest point is a part of the nature beauty. We can possibly see the peak of Mt. Rinjani of Lombok island from Mt. Agung.  But, we all heard, this volcano had erupted last month.

Airport was closed down and there are thousands of refugees. Many tourists cancelling their plan to visit Bali because of flight cancellation. The eruption mainly affects the area of Karangasem, Northern Bali.

Bali is Safe Now

But, it is over now. The danger has passed. Airport is now open, and activities are back to normal. The most important thing to remember is that the island is safe. According to Indonesian government, affected area is only 10 kilometers or about 6 miles from the mountain. The other area would be safe from the eruption and its side effects.

The most favorite tourism destination is far away from that area. The airport is about 70 kms from the mountain, or about 44 miles. Denpasar is around 50 kms away, or about 31 miles. So, yes, your favourite destination is safe.

Indonesian Goverment Promoting Bali is Safe

Indonesian government was doing several efforts to promote that Bali is safe now. Joko Widodo (Jokowi), the president of Indonesia held a meeting on December 22nd, 2017 in Bali. Minister of Economy, Sri Mulyani, and Minister of Maritime, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan had visited Bali and post their photo there to prove that Bali is safe.

Sri Mulyani also write in her twitter said she wants to convince that International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank (WB) Annual Meetings 2018 will still be held in Bali on October 2018.

No Need to Worry

Nature disaster, like what happen to Mount Agung can happen anytime. But, science now can predict it all and preventing us from getting hurt. So, no need to worry, go on with your vacation. We will be glad to welcome you there.


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